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Meet your meat


You might question whether Sonya Blan is qualified to write about meat, being vegan and all. But Sonya has a long past with meat-eating, and she wants to share what she found. Whether you’re the kind who likes strips of bacon on your veal sandwich, or you eat an organic, free-range chicken but once a fortnight, if you haven’t already – meet your meat. 

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We need to talk about milk: part 1


Waleed Aly recently made his “strongest call to arms ever” when he urged people to consume Australian dairy products. What’s the big deal? Milk prices were cut sharply by Australia’s biggest dairy companies, Murray Goulburn and Fonterra, forcing farmers to accept drastically lower incomes. 

Jennifer Richards of Beyond the Trolley, a site about alternatives to big chain supermarkets, writes passionately about what you can do to help farmers out and improve your relationship with the fresh produce that sustains you. 

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